Saturday, February 13, 2010


There are so many times I ask that question.....WHY??? Why am I going through this? Why is my friend going through this? How come I dont get my way? Blah, blah, blah. As I am writing this blog I have SO much on my mind. My heart is breaking for a dear college friend whose newborn baby girl met Jesus on Wednesday, for my own personal trials that I just cant seem to kick in the butt, and for big decisions that need to be made (that arent going to be fun). Yet my heart rejoices over the life that is growing inside my sister Becca, friends who are in the final stages of the adoption process, and my sweet baby boy who makes getting up each morning worth it.
So I ask myself....why do I question God? Is it because I dont trust him or because I dont fully grasp that he is bigger than all of this? I know he has my best interest in mind...but when the cards arent adding is just easier to give up.
Jeremiah 29: 11 says "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord..." He knows...and that is enough for me. Over the past several months as I have seen my husband (and even myself) take hit after hit...I know that He knows. I dont have to ask the question why, because I dont deserve an answer. I must trust in my Lord and Savior that he will work it all out...even as crazy as it might seem or get. He is bigger than me, He is bigger than my trial and He is bigger than my circumstance!

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