Friday, January 1, 2010

Ringing in the New Year!

Wow...I cannot believe that it is 2010. Where did 2009 go? So many changes in our life over the past year and I know that this year is going to bring even more.

As I think about the New Year I think about resolutions....each year I sit down and make a list of things I want to do....or should do and typically I accomplish one...maybe two if it is a good year. Unfortunately this year is no different. But as I sit here prepared to make my list I am going at it with a different attitude. I am making a list of things I know I CAN and WILL accomplish!!

So here goes....

1. Adopt a little girl from THOGL
2. Train and complete the Camp Pendleton 10K mud run (I already registered...June 6)
3. Engross myself in God's 6 books that my hubby has recommended I read
4. Stay consist with this blog
5. Finish Kyler's scrap book (I know that sounds ridiculous but I am not a good at it and have been working on it for almost 3 years)

So there is my list.
We will see how it goes....and I will keep you updated on the progress of each item!


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